Committee News


Minutes of Member’s Golf Committee Meeting – 6th February 2014

 1)  Attendees and Apologies
             Present : P.Topham, A.Wadeley, D.Greene, J.Nisbet, L.Lindley, B.Brown,
 M.Spink, R. Pointon
             Apologies : T.Kent

 2)  Minutes of previous meeting
            Acceptance of minutes as a true record -
Proposer :  D.Greene
Seconder : L.Lindley

3) Matters Arising
3.4 Slow play. . It was agreed that the article prepared by D.Greene on golfing etiquette should be reissued to all members and an A3 version placed in the general notice board.                                                                 On going.                                                                                                Action : RP,DG

3.5 Information to new members by PT/MS ongoing, to be circulated to committee  
      when prepared                                                                               Action : PT, MS.

3.14 Check if a 2 course meal will be available for the Heavy Woolen competitions next season – awaiting feedback from Terry Morgan.                               Action : RP

3.18 Competition rules rewritten, have been included in 2014 Diary. Also to be emailed to all members. Check if on blog                                                     Action: RP

3.19 Install a clock onto range.                                                           Action: BB

3.20 Review spending limits for main and sub committee’s. Decision taken that all spend should be decided via main committee. Spend patterns to be monitored      Action: BB

3.21 Produce an income/spend audit to determine expenditure control – done. 3 month interim income/expenditure statement to be produced and presented to main committee. Financial accounts 2013 to be audited by Phil Blyth prior to AGM ready for presentation.                                                                                                                         Action: BB

3.22 Review of current booking system took place and concluded not to request a change in the system by MYGC Ltd. Produce an email for general circulation reminding all members that only 1 person from their 4 ball should be ringing on a Thursday/Friday for weekend tee time Action AW

3.23 Remove Sam Young from the club handicap database              Action RP

3.27 Contact Martin Clancy to determine who will attend the LDGU dinner to be held on the 13th March – done. Attendees Matin Clancy, Jason Newton, Richard Flowitt. Complete and return the invitation with names to the LDGU Action: AW

3.31 Inform MYGC what garments and sizes are required reference sponsorship of LDGU teams. Check with Aran what is available                                  Action: DG

3.34 Check with Pete Marchant the situation with the suggestion box, ie progressing the contents onto the relevant individuals      . Agreed that the box should be checked prior to each committee meeting and its contents given to a member of the committee
Action: AW

3.37 Remind all members that late tee off times are being monitored           Action: PT

3.38 Effective course marshaling is required. Discuss with RP. Ground rules to be decided, an offer then made to a candidate, prior to start of new season           Action: PT

3.44 Leeds & District Charity 4 Ball Cup to be engraved                 Action: JN

3.45 Invite ball sponsors for juniors/net/scratch competitions            Action: DG

3.46 Respond to Bill Tampin letter reference AGM questions          Action: PT    

3.47 Course closed 23/24/25 June because of Yorkshire PGA competition. Can the scratch and net competitions be reorganized                                         Action: DG

3.48 Stipulate and clarify the role of the Social Golf Section representative
                                                                                                Action: PT/DG/MS/RP

4) President’s Report

No Report
5)  Captain’s Report

No Report

6)   Lady Captain's Report

No Report

7)   Secretary’s Report

No report

8)   Handicaps and GU Report - JN

The annual review of handicaps increased 11 members handicaps by 1.

9)   Sections Report - DG

Still awaiting information from England Golf reference setting of Junior golf mark standards.
MYGC confirmed there is to be no dispensation for seniors with doctors notes for use of trolleys during carry only periods, due to health & safety risk assessments.

10)  Social Golf Section Report - MS

Presentation night:-

            Letters have been sent to the winners
            Todate 77 tickets have been bought
            Tickets go on general sales 8th February
            All engraving completed
            Presentation table to be set up on Friday, the day before Presentation night
            If TK not attending, then alternatives will need to be organized for presenting.

11)  A.O.B

23rd March – Staff V Members competition
22nd March – Race night in aid of the Yorkshire Air Ambulance

Meeting closed at 20:30

Next Meeting : March 6th  19:00hrs

Mid Yorkshire Golf Club

The nominations for Vice Captain for 2014 are due in by the end of December 2013, please find detailed below a copy of the notice and a copy of the procedure for selection.

The nomination forms are on the general notice board and must be submitted to the current Vice captain Bob Brown via the general office.


P. Topham,
President.MYGC Members Club Committee





Nominations are required for the position of Vice Captain for the year 2014/2015.

Applicants must meet the following criteria:

• Be a bona fide member of the club
• Be a seven day member whose first club is Mid Yorkshire GC (their handicap is administered by Mid Yorkshire GC).
• Have been a member for at least two years.
• Not have been disciplined for a breach of club rules by the Disciplinary Sub-Committee or MYGC Ltd during the two years preceding the AGM.
• Be nominated by two members of Mid Yorkshire GC.

Nominations (to be received by 31st December 2013) must be completed using one of the attached forms and accompanied by a written submission by the candidate of their suitability for the position.
Completed forms may be left in the General Manager’s Office and addressed for the attention of the Vice-Captain.



1. Applications Forms for position of Vice Captain placed on general notice board and other web sources by 1st December (all nominees must conform with section 9d of the members constitution).
2. Nomination forms must be signed by a proposer and seconded by a member of the Club and accompanied by a written submission of the applicants reason for seeking nomination and thoughts on what they could give to the position.
3. Completed applications received by 31st December.
4. At January meeting the Committee (with the inclusion of the current Vice-Captain) discuss all application forms and decide which applicants should be interviewed by the Committee. A copy of the document ‘Captains Position and Duties’ will then be sent to each interviewee.
5. Committee interview all remaining prospective candidates and select preferred Vice-Captain
6. MYGC Ltd review the Committees recommendation and confirm or reject nomination.(If candidate rejected second preference must be recommended to MYGC Ltd)
7. New Vice-Captain informed and once confirmation received decision announced on notice board.

Rule Clarification

Winter Greens

All Members will by now have seen that the Club is starting to prepare winter greens, these are clearly marked inside white lines around the course

In accordance with Rule 33-2.a.(iii) The temporary winter greens are classed as Ground Under Repair (unless in play) and all players MUST take relief in accordance with Rule 25-1.b

MYGC Committee   October 13

Mid Yorkshire Golf Club

Rule Clarification

Holes 2 & 15—

Over the last few weeks we have had several questions on rulings concerning the sink hole to the left of the 2nd hole and also along the right of the 15th now that it is surrounded by a post and rope fence which is fixed inside the hazard demarcation.

Queries relate to relief if the post and rope fence interfere with a players swing

Following clarification from the R&A the official ruling is as follows

If the players ball comes to rest inside the hazard demarcation NO automatic relief is eligible from the post and rope fence

If the players ball comes to rest outside the hazard demarcation but the players swing or stance is impeded by the post and rope fence then relief without penalty  can be taken- rule 24-2.b

MYGC Committee   October 13
Communication Policy for all Members
Effective communication is an essential avenue for the success of any venture and never more so in the running of a successful Golf Club.
This process lists the process for  communications for all members of MYGC to channel communications from the members to the Committee and from the Committee to the Golf club and then back to the members.
To provide a traceable and formal system to allow any member of Mid Yorkshire Golf club to contact the Committee on any aspect of the Committee function in respect to Competitions, Handicaps, Teams and Leagues, Social events, functions and discipline.
The portal will also be used for any questions / queries  / comments on the Course which can be taken to the committee and then discussed with MYGC at the monthly Committee meeting.
Any member of the golf club that has a comment / question or point to make must make this via the communications policy either via e-mail to the  email address or via the communication sheet  and posted to the comments box which will be located in the 19th Bar next to the score card boxes.
Members are requested not to make direct approaches to any committee member or official of MYGC as these cannot be responded to properly, nor can traceability be assured.
All comments / questions will be acknowledged and the Committee will give a time frame whereon a response will be issued
Each comment / question will be reviewed as applicable with the committee and MYGC as appropriate- time frames will depend on the nature of the comment raised.
The committee will develop the response after reviewing with MYGC if required and a written response will be sent to the member informing them on the decision and action to be taken / implemented.
Issues that affect the membership will be posted to the Club website / Blog and will be posted on the notice boards. Sue Fearnley will be issuing a note to all members on accessing these formats

We have created a page in the members area of the website that is dedicated to Committee news you can download an electronic copy of the communication sheet from there or follow the link to the Comms email address.
The Committee look forward to your co-operation in managing effective communication

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